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Nicole Mcclain: Veteran, Teacher, Activist
Photo: Libby O'Neill, Lynn ItemI am a wife, mother, veteran and a Lynner who wants to see our city truly embrace its diversity and include the community in the decisions that affect us all. I was born and raised in this city, yet come from the part of Lynn that has not been heard, so I learned how important it is to listen. As the daughter of a single mother who struggled to make ends meet, I understand the experiences of working families and how important it is to make sure they have a seat at the table. 

I come from the part of Lynn that has not been seen, so I have learned to make issues that affect the majority of our community more visible, like gaps in education, affordable housing, racial inequity and community safety which affect a large portion of our city. These challenges need to be addressed through partnership with the community and with unequivocal commitment. 

An Army National Guard Veteran, Deployed to Iraq

As a soldier who served eleven years

in the Army National Guard, with deployments to Iraq in 2004 and 2008, I understand the importance of service for all, not some. As your At-large Councilor, I will continue that commitment. 

A Teacher and Businessperson

My service to this country, and specifically to Lynn, did not end with my military service. I earned my bachelor's degree in Early Childhood education while deployed. Returning home, I became a homeowner in Lynn and opened a childcare service which I owned and operated for six years, ensuring that the most valuable members of the community, our children, were loved and cared for. Currently I am the director of Salvation Army Lynn's afterschool program, the SmART Center.

A Committed Community Activist

I founded the nonprofit North Shore Juneteenth Association to educate the broader community about positive aspects of Black American culture, and dismantle racism by using events and programming as a tool for change. The organization is very active, running backpack and food drives, Juneteenth flag raising ceremonies, Fourth of July Frederick Douglass readings, Black Excellence events, and much more. Nicole was named the Essex Media Group’s “Person of the Year” for Lynn in 2021.

I'm on the Essex County Commission on The Status Women advocating for the needs of women and girls, and also serve on the Lynn Human Rights Commission, advocating for policies that will ensure no resident of Lynn is discriminated against.


(Top Photo: Libby O'Neill, Lynn Item)

Committee to Elect Nicole McClain
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